10 Ways to Boost Your Mood & Find Your Happy Place
Bad moods don't discriminate. Sometimes you're just down in the dumps and don't know why or you're pissed off and you know exactly why. Like all of us, I've been there. Do we really want our mood to bring us down all day? No. But it isn't easy to snap out of. This article is declaring war on bad moods and all the downer vibes that come with it. I've found a variety of ways that help me personally and some that scientifically proven to help you find your happy place.
1. Choose Your Breakfast Wisely
Eggs, Avocado, Dark Chocolate, & Salmon are examples of food increases FOCUS.
Giving yourself the head start you need and clear mind can be that start to making your day better and thus, feeling better.
Plus, building yourself a healthy breakfast is a way of showing yourself some love.
2. "If you surround yourself with mess and clutter, your mind too will be a mess and cluttered." - Me
There are a lucky group of people in the world that naturally are inclined to clean. I am NOT one of those people. I have a pile of clothes that has this magic ability to grow whenever you look at it. My night stand is a balancing act of water bottles and bobby pins. My closet...don't get me started.
It starts with small steps. In my mind, I'm not saying I'm going to gut my entire room. But maybe I'll clean my night stand. And put my clothes in the laundry or at least in a basket. And suddenly, I'm a bit more inspired to continue to continue organize until I'm standing in a clean room. And that makes me very happy.
According to a 2010 study published in the scientific journal Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, women who described their living spaces as 'cluttered' or full of 'unfinished projects' were more likely to be depressed and fatigued. They also express higher levels of the stress hormone 'cortisol'.
3. Go into the Light!
Light & Color are HUGE mood boosters. It makes sense, but it's one of those things I don't think people practice enough. The most basic way to do it, open the curtains! Sunlight has a ton of benefits for your health. Besides Vitamin D (which you can be exposed to by windows, not just outside), sunlight can increase serotonin and reduce excess melatonin.
Many, many studies have been done on how color effects mood. We translate color in the brain via the hypothalamus then after a few stops, through to the thyroid glands which then release hormones that trigger our moods and emotions. Green & Yellow are the big ones to help make you happy.
Thus bringing me to my last point of the light & color segment, PLANTS! I could literally create a whole other section for plants but I don't think you came here to read a book. So, I'll get to the point.
Plants increase concentration & productivity as well as reduce stress. An extensive NASA study found that house plants can remove up to 87% of air toxins in a period of 24 hours.
They're wonderful to keep in the office or anywhere you spent a lot of time.
4. "Eat a live frog first thing in the morning, and nothing worse will happen to you the rest of the day." - Mark Twain
I think we all know that Mr. Twain wasn't speaking about a real live frog. Hopefully.
The basic translation is... Tackle your most difficult, dreaded task first. Tackle what puts the most weight on your shoulders. If you directly address what's bringing you down, you can then come to terms and move past it.
When it comes to your mood, it could be a few things. Is there a deadline coming that you're not ready for? Is there a conversation you do not want to have? These things can make the air feel thicker to breathe. It can take the excitement out of moments you should be enjoying.
If it's something you can't do anything about right now but it's still bothering you, write it down. Make a game plan. Something to give you back a little bit of control.
and that brings us to our next point...
5. The Joy of Making Lists & Positive Affirmations
This is something I love love love to do.
Making lists, for me, puts me in such happy place. It feels like I'm putting my goals out into the universe. There's really something about writing down your goals, projects, and to-do's that makes them so much more attainable. They also force your mind to concentrate on what you're writing, which takes your mind out of whatever cloudy state it's in and into one of focus. Honestly, the distraction itself is such a mood booster.
Sociologist Scott Schaffer told The Oregonian newspaper, "Lists really get the heart of what it is we need to do to get through another day on this planet."
6. Treat yo self!
Go buy yourself something nice. Your definition of 'something nice' is what's most important.
Spa Day? Gormet Cup of Coffee? That shirt you've been eyeing up in the store for a while?
Even consider the gift being time. Find a moment to give to yourself! Whether that's sitting down and picking up a book you been meaning to get lost in. A walk to your favorite place with that view you love. There's magic in doing something you forget how much you enjoy until you take the time to do it again.
Or sometimes its eating a cupcake. Just saying.
7. What Are You Most Grateful For?
This is perspective exercise. It's so easy to see the negative in life.
It's like you're driving in the rain. It falls heavier and heavier until you have to put your windshield wipers on high to see the road.
Making a mental (or physical) list of what you're grateful for, is the windshield wipers coming in to save the day. To help you see what wonderful things are in your life to be happy about!
Your family, best friend, favorite artist, the weekend coming up, puppies, the beach, champagne, cheesecake... okay, okay, you know what I mean.
8. The Magic of Touch! (No, really.)
There's a ton of science as to why a hug or holding hands can be uplifting.
Hugs ( Cuddling, kissing..ect) releases OXYTOCIN aka "the love hormone".
Not like, bow-chicka-wow-wow. I mean, yes but no. You can also look at it as a Happy Hormone.
In addition, the release of Oxytocin creates feelings of companionship and bonding.
They also trigger Dopamine aka "the pleasure hormone".
This is the hormone that many addictive drugs activate that they warn you about. An interesting new view of Hugs not Drugs.
I've never been the touchy, feel-y type but I mean, this hard science. So, it's certainly worth a try.
9. Meditation (Mindfulness)
I don't meditate on a normal basis or think that it's easy for everyone.
If the idea of 'meditating' is intimidating or even just too spiritual, I'm with you.
No you won't need yoga pants, a mat or candles.Unless you like those things. Then do it.
Think of it as "Mindfulness". Taking time for a quiet place, even if it's just a moment. I think that what I like about this, you can do it anywhere. Work, home, outside, literally anywhere. It's really just a moment to step away and find some peace.
Start with slow, controlled breathing. Let your mind go from there.
"Meditation: to think deeply or focus one's mind for a period of time, in silence or with the aid of chanting, for religious or spiritual purposes or as a method of relaxation."
10. Take a Nap (Really!)
While naps do not necessarily make up for inadequate or poor quality nighttime sleep, a short nap of 20-30 minutes can help to improve mood, alertness and performance.
Along with several U.S Presidents, Napoleon, Thomas Edison, and Albert Einstein were all notorious afternoon nappers.
Personally, I find it to be a readjustment to days I wake up on the wrong side of the day. You'll wake up refreshed and more alert, and hopefully happier too!
A short nap can be great, but don't over do it. Naps lasting longer than the recommended 30 minutes, can result in grogginess and disorientation.
Thank you for reading and I hope these tips were helpful!
Follow my blog for more tip, tricks, and projects.
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