10 Ways to Boost Your Mood & Find Your Happy Place
Bad moods don't discriminate . Sometimes you're just down in the dumps and don't know why or you're pissed off and you know exactly why. Like all of us, I've been there. Do we really want our mood to bring us down all day? No. But it isn't easy to snap out of. This article is declaring war on bad moods and all the downer vibes that come with it. I've found a variety of ways that help me personally and some that scientifically proven to help you find your happy place . 1. Choose Your Breakfast Wisely This is more of a preventive measure. If you wake up tired, grumpy, or sad, you don't want to fuel up for the day with something that's not going to keep you feeling full and make you tired before you even reach lunch time. Large Eggs, Greek Yogurt, Quinoa, Chia Seed are all HIGH IN PROTEIN. You'll feel fuller, longer, and it takes longer for your body to break down than carbohydrates, providing a longer lasting energy source. You won...